A week or so ago, my sister, Kath and I drove up to the the Upper Derwent Valley in Derbyshire. We had gone there to see the heather which was showing very nicely. Here, we walked a gentle track to climb to a view overlooking Ladybower Reservoir. The water levels were quite low, which is a result of the hot dry spring and early summer we've had.
I love the outdoors when its not too hot.
We had not thought of it until we got to parking the car. It was the 11th August and the next day was the 'Glorious 12th' - the start of the shooting season. The parking area was full and it turned out there were lots of organised groups wanting to get a glimpse of the heather before shooting started. We did see some Grouse on the moors, little did they know they might be fleeing for their lives in the coming days.